Greetings! My name is

Mikhail Sumawan.I build software for people.

I am a backend developer with 3+ years of experience in automation, API development, and network management. From design to deployment, I take pride in delivering high-quality work, approaching every project with the same level of care, passion and attention to detail. So take a look around and let's work together!  Learn more

01.About Me

Hello! First of all if you are reading this I just want to thank you for checking out my site, it really means a lot to me! My name is Mikhail Sumawan and I'm an aspiring backend developer who specializes in building automation tools, APIs, database visualization, and network management. I graduated in 2021 with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from San Jose State University.

In my approach to work and life, I deeply resonate with the Japanese concept known as “kaizen“ (改善), which embodies the philosophy of continuous improvement and mastery. I believe in the power of incremental progress and relentless dedication to refining one's skills and craftsmanship. This tenet inspires me to embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and to pursue the path of excellence in everything I do.

As of February 2025, I'm currently working at Glassbeam, a data analytics company for healhcare devices in Silicon Valley. When I'm not working I like to spend my time exploring my local Facebook marketplace or diving into the depths of eBay, in search of discounted computer parts. I also love tinkering with cars and computers, and I enjoy watching this man restore broken BMWs on YouTube.

Here are some of the technologies I've been working with recently:

  • Java
  • Lua
  • Javascript
  • Docker
  • MySQL
  • PyTorch

02.Where I've Worked

  • Glassbeam
  • Sampoerna

Backend Developer@Glassbeam

February 2022 - February 2025

  • Developed a suite of API automation tools to efficiently retrieve, parse, and upload data across diverse client servers.
  • Designed and implemented a Pascal-based installer, achieving a 93% improvement in deployment efficiency. Reduced Glassbeam's proprietary software installation time from 30 minutes to under 2 minutes.
  • Integrated a Real-Time Location System (RTLS) into Glassbeam's proprietary software, employing cutting-edge BLE technology to monitor the precise location and movement of healthcare devices within the building.
  • Oversaw and maintained an array of AWS servers to ensure seamless and uninterrupted server operations.
  • Conducted experiments, trained models, analyzed results, and documented findings to advise on implementation strategies and configurations.

03.Some Things I've Built


Featured Project

Steamy iOS Dating App

Steamy is an iOS mobile dating app my team and I developed as part of the final project for my Software Engineering class I took in college. It is powered by Swift and Ruby to ensure smooth performance and reliability, while Firebase provides a robust and secure backend for effortless data management.

  • Swift
  • Ruby
  • Firebase
  • Xcode
  • Adobe XD

Featured Project

2D Kirby Platformer Game

This is a 2D platformer game I built to showcase my creativity for the game development contest I participated in 2019. I designed the assets using Pixilart and Piskel, while the game mechanics were developed in C# using Visual Studio and Unity.

  • C#
  • Piskel
  • Pixilart
  • Unity

Featured Project

Network Management Solution

Designed and developed a comprehensive network solution for a midsize business, utilizing VMWare Fusion, GNS3, and MG-Soft MIB Browser. Part of this project is to showcase my proficiency in Syslog, SNMP MIBwalk, and SNMP set/get operations.

  • Python
  • GNS3
  • VMWare
  • MG-Soft MIB
  • PRTG
  • Wireshark

Other Noteworthy Projects

View the archive

Personal Website V1

This is my first portfolio website I coded from scratch using NextJS, TypeScript, and Tailwind CSS. It serves as a hands-on learning experience in web development, drawing inspiration from the collective work of other great web developers.

  • NextJS
  • Vercel
  • TypeScript
  • Tailwind

Keylogger Implementation & Analysis

As a part of the final project for my Information Security class, my team and I conducted comprehensive research to evaluate the functionality and deployment methods of various types of keyloggers.

  • PyCharm
  • Python

Spotify Playlist Downloader

Apple music once deleted all of my playlists after I canceled their subscription. So I created a python script that downloads all of my Spotify playlists into locally saved MP3 files as a preventative measure.

  • PyCharm
  • Python

MASM & Irvine32 Setup Tutorial

I remember taking an assembly class back in college and having a hard time setting up my assembly environment. So I created a tutorial for people going through the same thing I did.

  • VS Code
  • x86 Assembly
  • Irvine

Product Management Database App

This is an intuitive and interactive Java application to streamline product management from the client side to the backend. Designed using BCNF structure to maintain data integrity and minimize errors.

  • Java
  • MySQL
  • JDBC

Proof of Concept for a New Business Opportunity

This proof of concept showcases my extensive research on the emerging business opportunities arising from the long-lasting impact of COVID-19 on Indonesia's growing economy and food insecurity.

  • Google Doc
  • Adobe XD
  • Gantt

04. What's Next?

Get In Touch

Whether you have a question or just want to say hi, I'm all ears! Drop me a line, shoot me an email, or send a carrier pigeon my way. I will respond as soon as possible.

Mikhail Sumawan • Powered by Next.js & Github